Used by travel agents from:
Save time
From itinerary to proposal in a few quick steps.
Super simple
Creating and adjusting quotes has never been easier.
Make an impression
Beautiful digital quotes with your logo and colors.
No more hassle in Word
Are you also irritated by everything jumping around?
Does it also cost you a lot of time when customers want adjustments?
That is now a thing of the past.
- Easily drag blocks
- Save units as templates
- Automatic saving of quotation
Use free texts and photos
We have photos and texts of 100,000+ accommodations.
Saves a lot of searching, cutting and pasting
- Unlimited access
- Photos of the best quality
- Save favorites easily
Useful! Help from ChatGPT
No point in having to use the text in “u” from the tour operator
fit into “you”? You will be helped at the touch of a button.
- Easily drag blocks
- Save units as templates
- Automatic saving of quotation
It's easy to use and free.
So why not try it?
Salty helped me a lot in finding the best place for our first outdoor adventure trip. They responded very quickly and gave me a detailed account of the place—its history, as well as its best features.quickly and gave me a detailed account of the place—its history, as well as its best features.Salty helped me a lot in finding the best place for our first
Andrew Sarma
Salty helped me a lot in finding the best place for our first outdoor adventure trip. They responded very quickly and gave me a detailed account of the place—its history, as well as its best features.quickly and gave me a detailed account of the place—its history, as well as its best features.Salty helped me a lot in finding the best place for our first
Andrew Sarma
Salty helped me a lot in finding the best place for our first outdoor adventure trip. They responded very quickly and gave me a detailed account of the place—its history, as well as its best features.
Andrew Sarma
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As long as you want.
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Frequently asked questions
Yes, we are convinced that it will save you a lot of time. So go try it for as long as you want. The first 10 quotes are free and after that you can make 4 per month.
Will you use it more? Only then will you pay, only €35 per month. Well, you’ll earn that back quickly.
Yes, of course you decide for yourself whether you use the Visual Tour Builder and for how long. You can cancel your account (both free and paid) at any time.
Certainly, you can send the quotation you make to your customer both digitally and in PDF.